Project: Custom Cup Cozies

Every action, no matter how small, can make a difference.

Connor Lantz

For nearly six months, our family faced the inconvenience of a broken dishwasher, leading to a significant increase in handwashing dishes. To minimize water usage and the time spent on dish duty, we needed a simple yet effective solution.

Our most frequently used dish, the humble cup, became a source of confusion. Glasses would accumulate on the counter, and distinguishing one from another was a daily challenge. To tackle this issue, I took the initiative to design custom cup cozies for each family member, providing a practical way to identify our individual cups.

The project proved to be straightforward, with minimal challenges. All that was required were the basic dimensions of our cups and a personalized design for the four of us. Using Fusion 360 and my Creality Ender 3 Pro 3D printer, I brought these cozies to life, utilizing spare filament I had on hand.

Despite its simplicity, this project reinforced the importance of attention to detail. Rushing through the initial design phase led to minor errors, such as misspelled text on my dad's cozy. This experience highlighted how meticulousness significantly impacts the final product.

Now that our dishwasher is repaired, our family's use of the cozies has gradually declined. In the future, I plan to develop methods to encourage their continued use, promoting resource efficiency and reduced dishwashing needs.